Russian have created a toilet-automobile (hybrid of Russian Oka car and a toilet cabin) and organized its tour from Moscow to Europe and Asia as contribution to the World Toilet Day that took place in November.As soon as the toilet-automobile left Moscow, it stuck in a traffic jam. Drivers with amusement looked at the strange Oka car with a high cabin behind; some of them even asked to let them try it in action.The toilet-automobile is equipped with a foreign system of air flows circulation, replaceable filters and a system removing liquids from the floor. According to the developers, the main peculiarity of the toilet-automobile is that it takes into account toilet traditions of different countries and lets people of various nations relieve nature in a habitualway.Organizers of the “toilet tour” Moscow-Seoul mark, that the toilet-automobile was a success in Europe and Asia. Several British, Chinese and Korean companies expressed interest in purchasing the innovation.